What I know for sure
I know I’m loved, I know I’m here for a reason, I know I’m appreciated by my family and missed by the ones I don’t see everyday. I know I’m overweight, smart, creative & funny. I know I’m a good friend and am lucky to have a few of my own. I know my husband is and will always be my best friend. I know I’ve been given a wonderful opportunity to be a stay at home Mom for now and I’m trying not to take it for granted. On that note, I know my kids think I sit around and watch TV all day, and even though I don’t I’m ok with that. I know not being in the traditional workforce has made me a better mother, I have more patience for homework and projects and developing their character and good habits instead of making after school time a to-do list to checkoff. I love that I know exactly what they do in school each day and can tell you within 2 points what each of their grades are in every subject. I know my daughter’s spelling words by heart and I know what classes my son has each day. I know the school menu and can remember which days my daughter needs to bring a lunch because she doesn’t like what they have. I know which child likes what type of cereal and with which kind of milk, and I know who gets which brand of Mayo on their sandwiches. These little details are what make up the very comfortable routine of my day and I cherish every tidbit of it.
Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don’t
See also addictive personality, food, overweight
Watch, haven’t worn one in years
This is one of many installments on the ABCs of Me's. Each week I will feature a different letter of the alphabet and a few corresponding entries on yours truly. This project was inspired by a class I took at Big Picture Classes (Me: The Abridged Version) which was based on a book called Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life