She sends me daily scrapbooking prompts, and I send her writing prompts. Her life is a little more 'full', so the prompts I send her are not quite daily. She's working on her first Great American Novel so I'm trying to help her exercise her writing muscles as much as possible so she can see that dream come true.
So, what does all of this have to do with a "Drive Thru Nazi"? During our lunch yesterday we meandered into funny stories and I told her about how my even tempered husband turns into a different person in the drive thru line. I gave her some examples, and since she knows him well, she was stunned and her immediate response was "You have to do a page about that!". At first I chose to exercise my veto option because I thought it would come off as mean and I didn't want to insult my sweet hubby. After having it roll around in my head last night and asking my kids their opinion, I finally figured out how to tell the story and capture the humor rather than the meanness. I am absolutely in love with this page that I never would have thought to do were it not for the prompting of my dear friend, and future New York Times Best Seller, Steph!

Product credits:
Template: Kristin Aagard, from her Say It Template Pack
Title alphas & flair buttons: Shawna Clingerman's, A Little Bit of This Kit at Sweet Shoppe Designs
Papers & word strips: Everyday Moments Kit by Studio Flergs & Mari Koegelenberg at Sweet Shoppe Designs
I so love this page! And I love that you debated about putting it down "on paper" in deference to your hubby's feelings. I think you handled it very deftly & lovingly :) In awe of your mad digi skills & your tenacity to keep the LOAD mode going! ScrapHappy Sista Leslie