Thursday, March 10, 2011
T is for…
Tardy, always
I was born two days late and it's all been downhill from there. I try, I really do try – but something always seems to happen right before I walk out the door. I am known for being chronically late, over the last several years I have definitely gotten much better but it still plagues me and probably will until my last day here on Earth – and I bet something will happen, the hearse will break down, the cemetery will be closed – something will happen to even make me late to my own funeral. Keith will tell you that I was late to our wedding. That actually is not true. I was there, sitting in the limo, perfectly on time. The limo driver wouldn't let me get out until all the guests had gone into the church so I could make a proper grand entrance. We even have a picture in our wedding album of my husband and his best man holding out their wrists and looking at their watches.
When I was pregnant with Bryce, we lived 350 miles away from my parents. My Mom was going through some back treatments and had the last of them scheduled for the week after I was due…after all I had never been on time for anything. As luck has it, the only thing I am NOT late for is having my babies, Bryce was born 6 days early and Summer was 2 weeks early. So, back to Bryce's birth… as it was nearly a week before my due date, my Mom thought my phone call at 10am on Sunday, July 6th, 1997 to be like any other day. The conversation went something like this… Me: Hi Mom,! Mom: Hi, how are you? Me: I have some good news! Mom: Oh really, what is it? Me: I had the baby! Mom: No way, it's not funny to joke about that. Me: Really, I had the baby! Mom: Stop pulling my leg. Me: Should I tell you what kind of grandchild you have or would you like me to put the doctor on? Mom: Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, yes, tell me all about it!
This is one of many installments on the ABCs of Me's. Each week I will feature a different letter of the alphabet and a few corresponding entries on yours truly. This project was inspired by a class I took at Big Picture Classes (Me: The Abridged Version) which was based on a book called Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life.
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