...and it's in my living room. Exactly where it should live, life is good.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wii Fit Plus rocks!
Just got the Wii Fit Plus and it totally rocks. It has all the great stuff on the Wii Fit but now you can do a 'routine' where it has you do one exercise after another without stopping and pressing a bunch of buttons in between. What a difference! I've been sweating my butt off every morning, so I hope that has a literal translation soon.
Friday, April 16, 2010
My new 5 W's
Weight Watchers, Wii Fit & Walk It Challenge - ok, so that's only 4 but you get the picture. This is Day 3 of the Wii, day 2 of walk it, and week 5 of WW - feeling great, have so much energy. I wish there was a way to bottle this feeling so when I don't exercise I can be reminded of how good I feel when I do!